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Unlock Your Freedom with the 3 Step Process

Great to see you registered for the E-Book: Simple 3 Step Process to Wiping Out Financial Pressure while Enjoying Your Ultimate Day. The next stage of the process is to take action.  

Automated Earnings

Hands free trading

Option to see and learn how it works without risking your money

Focus on your day to day activities knowing your money is working for you in the background

Easy and fast withdrawals to access funds whenever you want or need it.

Ongoing support to help you if you need to make updates or changes.

30 day trial for just $1 USD (cancel anytime).

Monthly access fee of $200 USD after 30 day trial period ends.

FXT Keeps your money safe

What You Receive

Trade Alert Telegram access with trade updates.

Custom software to allow hands free automated trading.

Brokerage account with a fully regulated prime broker.

1 month demo platform access (free) then live account access indefinitely.

Personalized setup guide to help get everything up and running.

Ongoing support access to help you if you get stuck.

Take Back Your Freedom

Gaining financial control back from external effects – job, industry, location, singular currency risk and more.

Ability to enjoy more of the things you love, every day.

Fast track your goals and desires by taking action and creating it.

Reclaim time and take pressure off your job.

Reclaim Your Best Years

Reduce Pressure on Current Income

More pressure on your work or source of income. The less pressure you have on your income source, the better decisions you can make with more confidence. Adding a layer of income to your cash flow means you can take bigger risks without risking your ‘survival money’ as you grow your empire.

Learn How to Manage Trades Before Retirement

Learning how to trade, or at least how it all works is a great way to get the upper hand as you head towards retirement. The pressure that comes from no longer working for your income means that experiencing how investments and trading works will be far harder then compared to if you start today.

3 Step Process

Unlock Your Market Access

You get an account with FXTrading.com where your funds are held, with the licenced broker. The broker gives you access to the markets via a platform called MetaTrader, so you can place trades and later on, withdraw your profits to your own bank account.

Receive The Trades

The Telegram Channel sends you trade information that let’s you place orders to your broker account via your MetaTrader platform.

The Hands Free Automation Approach

Specialized software runs on your computer listening to the Telegram Channel for trade alerts. When a trade alert comes through, it receives the trade from Telegram and places the trade on your account.

Why It Works

Market Movements Create Opportunity to Earn

Every movement of a financial market means someone in the world is making or losing money. That means that finding movements that are more likely to occur, can provide opportunity to create a strategy around it.

The trick is to work out which identifiers can be used to determine a move before it happens, which ones have a probable impact or indicate a future price movement more often than not.

First things that is needed for this to work is a moving market. There’s plenty of those that almost never stop moving.


Controlled Entries and Exits

Once we have identifiers that tell us the market is likely to move a certain way, for at least a certain amount of distance in price, we need to then define targets and risk limits for each trade.

Identifiers and price history can be a great way to manually identify a target price. These identifiers can include key levels, pivot points, indicators such as the ATR or range indicator and more. There are many ways to determine a stop loss and target (referring to risk and return respectively), so each strategy may include a different style of target and stop selection, risk reward ratio and more depending on previous testing and experience.

Controlling the target and exit of a trade, along with the volume (which is discussed in the next section), is an important part of developing a probabilistic trading strategy for the long term.

Minimal Exposure on Any One Decision

Over risking is the true killer in most unprofitable trader’s experience. This can be a result of mindset, emotions or financial pressure or simply lacking the understanding of how probabilities effect a trading portfolio long term.

Trading with a risk of 1% or less for most trades creates the ability to stay in the game long enough to see the probabilities play out in your favor.

Depending on the setup, probability and risk reward the risk may increase to 2 or 3 percent. This percentage is based on the account balance. 

Trading Estimates

Consistency Beats Good Luck

Consistently moving up with returns slowly gives better longevity to your assets compared with big wins that can’t be replicated over and over again.

If you want a good luck, big win, maybe works once kind of strategy, this isn’t for you. The trading style we use is designed to gradually increase the account value over time, built on a series of trades that probabilistically add up over time. While not attractive for marketers to hype up and oversell, it works without risking the farm.

It is expected that all ‘real’ traders will make losing trades, and sometimes make losing trades in a row. The true differentiation for a good trading system is one that wins in the long term with limited drawdown.

Slow, steady and a reliable place to store your excess working capital for life.


Decades of Experience in Live Markets

The basis for the trading systems used are derived from decades of live market trading experience, ranging from before the GFC, during the post GFC challenges and during Covid allowing for plenty of real world current market experience to back up trading decisions.

This is not a scheme created to make a quick buck, it’s a lifelong career in trading financial markets.

Benefits of Trading

Liquid Cash

Benefits of trading bring the ability to hold cash the majority of the time. When the trader isn’t in the market, the cash isn’t at risk. When a trader is in a trade, the risk should be quite low, around a maximum of 4%. This means the cash portion of the account is liquid cash, or in other words, cash that could be withdrawn or used if it is needed elsewhere.

Low Costs and Low Fees

It is easy to access these markets, with a low barrier to entry in terms of required starting capital and trades are generally very low in fees.

Compounding Effect

Trading offers a scalable form of investment where the account balance can grow after a single trade and the risk is then calculated on the new balance, forming a fast compounding returns effect. 

Risk Averse

While many people who are generally unfamiliar with investing believe trading is risky, traders in the know are able to actually reduce risk in a couple of ways:

  1. Holding majority of account in cash, reducing market exposure.
  2. Easily manage risk by adjusting volume to suit the account balance and size of the stop of each trade.
  3. You don’t have to be in the market unless a valid opportunity is present.
  4. Take small probabilistic opportunities out of the market, then return to cash.

FAQ - Your Questions Answered

What are the approximate targets and risks in dollar terms?

Targets and stop losses depend on the trade setup and market, but as a general rule, trades are looking to risk between 1% to 2% of the account balance with a risk reward ratio of around 1:1.

For an account of $10,000 this would mean the risk of a trade would be around $100 and the target is likely to be around $100 also.

Some trades will have better risk reward than this depending on the market conditions. The volume of each trade can be adjusted to suit your preferred risk tolerance, so you don’t have to follow what we do if you have other ideas.

Is it real money if the trades win?

If a trade wins, the money is then added to your trading account automatically. This money is then able to be withdrawn if you chose to withdraw it. Any profits made are real and can be transferred to your bank account for you to buy things with.

How long does it take to set up?

Setting up the automated trading system takes around 30 minutes to an hour with the help of our support team and in depth tutorials on setting up if you prefer to jump ahead and get things going yourself.

Are there any costs to setting up?

Trades are placed using funds in the brokerage account. The cost to place a trade is based on the spread, or the difference between the bid and ask price. This spread makes up part of the trade itself and is eventually overcome as the trade moves in your favour, so it isn’t like paying a brokerage fee.

Telegram is free to use and is a popular program used to receive communications quickly, making it great for trade alerts.

The accompanying software is provided at no cost also, including the automated trading software and the trading platform.

What if it is a scam?

Forex trading is one of the biggest markets in the world and is based on the very thing bascially everyone uses to buy and sell pretty much anything that is bought and sold in the world. The trouble with Forex is that big opportunity also attracts big hopes, and some people out there want to take advantage of that hope. Often scams are backed by obnoxiously hopefull outcomes like retiring early, making millions and spiraling into greatness.

The second thing to look out for is pushy sales tactics, urgency around paying money without actually giving anything in return.

For a broker, the easiest way to check if it is legitimate is to check the licencing includes an AFSL (one of the strictest licence and rules in the world). The next best way is to make a small deposit, place a few small trades and attempt a withdrawal to see how the process works, and also to see if they actually send you the money. A scam broker is unlikely to send you money.

From a broker perspective, we use FXTrading.com as they are a Prime Broker with low costs and great trading conditions, plus a range of high quality tools for those who want to actively trade for themselves.

Will I become a Millionaire Overnight?

Anything that says you will get rich or make a lot of money for no effort is lying. Global Finance Trading urges you to look through marketing hype filled with fake returns and excitement. Trading shouldn’t be an exciting task and the returns should be controlled and probable.

What if I don’t have time?

Once the setup process is complete, the time requirement is extremely limited. From time to time you may need to update your VPS, it’s an easy process and our support team can help you out if you need extra assistance.

This set and forget product is easy and scalable so you don’t have to make changes or updates unless you choose to.

As far as time goes, this is one of the least time consuming things you can do to create a better future for you and your family.


How can I set it up if I don’t have the tech skills?

As long as you have a computer, you can be set up. In fact, even if you don’t have a computer there are other ways around getting set up and our team can help with that by assisting in setting up a VPS. Ideally you would want to have access to a computer from time to time to check in on your setup.

Can I check the trades and account on my phone?

Yes, you can easily check your current balance, open trades and trade history from your MT5 mobile app which is linked to your FXTrading.com broker account. You can even modify or close orders if you choose to.

Do I have to do anything once it is set up?

From time to time, you will need to check your VPS for updates, unless you are choosing to trade the alerts manually. If you are trading the alerts manually, you will need to place the trades on your trading platform when they are sent through to you.

Can I increase or decrease my trading balance?

You can deposit or withdraw funds with the broker as you please. Minimum deposits and withdrawals are generally between $50 to $200 since the broker’s operations team need to process them.


Can I stop taking trades if I choose to?

Yes, you can stop copying trades at any time. You also have full control to adapt or adjust the trades at any point also. You can even adjust the volume you trade with, which alters the level of risk taken meaning you can be as safe or as risky as you choose.


What risks are involved in this?

Forex trading does have a range of risks, but it’s important to know that many of the risks out there can be controlled.

There’s broker risk, which is a risk of the broker not paying money. Broker risk can be avoided by selecting a quality, licenced broker such as FXTrading.com.

Trading risk is the risk of the market moving against the trader. This can be controlled by adjusting the stop loss size and volume or lots to suit the trade and the trading account. Keeping a low volume on trades means you can take trades at very low risk. Forex allows traders to access more money easily, meaning that some people do take it too far and overload their account to chase returns. Trading with the right volume is easy to do, especially if you are trading using the automated program offered here. 

Can I lose money?

All forms of investing, business and anything worthwhile carries some kind of risk. Trading does mean that money can be lost, however it is important to start small if you have concerns and don’t understand how it all works.

While you can lose money, it is important to start with a small amount of funds to see how everything works and get a feel for the process, swings in balance and understanding of how the trades work.

The market can go for or against a trade, and there will be times where trades lose and will sometimes go into drawdown, meaning the trade is still open but is running at a loss. Trades don’t always go in the direction you want straight away, so being paitent and using the right risk management for your account is important.

How long do trades take to pay?

Depending on the setup, trades can take a few minutes through to hours or days to reach their target. Some trades might even take weeks, but these longer term trades would be outlined as a longer term setup, so you can make the decision to enter it if you want to.

Do I have to use FXTrading.com?

You don’t have to use the preferred broker, but because we can’t be sure other brokers are charging reasonable spreads, have the right symbols, have the same unit value or lot value, we don’t offer free access to the Telegram channel.

Can I trade the alerts manually if I don’t want automation?

Yes, you can use the Telegram channel to place trades manually on your phone or computer if you don’t want to use the automation features.


Is it a martingale system?

A martingale system is where trades are scaled into when they are losing. Many algorithms on the market seem to use this method, however here we believe this is a risky and poor form of trading that can lead to quick losses. It is often better to close out losses at a small loss rather than add to them and continue losing.

For this reason, the Telegram Alerts don’t use a martingale strategy. Cut any losses and move on to better trading opportunities.